Microsoft Forms : Exploring MS forms

What it is? With Microsoft Forms, you can create surveys, quizzes, and polls, and easily see results as they come in. When you create a quiz or form, you can invite others to respond to it using any web browser, even on mobile devices. As results are submitted, you can use built-in analytics to evaluateContinue reading “Microsoft Forms : Exploring MS forms”

PowerShell Remoting: Access Denied

Problem : Getting access denied error when try to access $site.RootWeb.Lists over powershell remoting. User gets this error even if user has sufficient privileges to access the list. Solution: Run following command for the account which is used to authenticate over PS remoting to get it running: $w = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://portal $w.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity(“domain\username”) Reference Link here.

MS Flow and Trello Integration

MS Flow allows you to create automated workflows between your favorite apps and services to get notifications, synchronize files, collect data, and more. Trello is a web-based Project Management application. It is incredibly flexible and easy to use. It keeps track of everything from big picture to the minute details. This article assumes that youContinue reading “MS Flow and Trello Integration”

Sandbox solution to manage anonymous access on Office 365 / SharePoint 2013.

You can enable anonymous access to office 365 account using following sandbox solution: Steps to configure a sharepoint list on my public facing sharepoint site that is accessible for anonymous users: Download the anonymous365 sharepoint solution from Go to the “Site Settings” of your public facing site using by example :http://brxyz/_layouts/settings.aspx Go to the “Galleries”Continue reading “Sandbox solution to manage anonymous access on Office 365 / SharePoint 2013.”

Client Object Model Access Large Lists/Overcome ListView Threshold while accessing large list

If you want retrieve large list using Client Object Model. You can use the ListItemCollectionPosition class to implement paging list item retrieval according to the position of items relative to their collection. Use the RowLimit element to specify the number of items to return per page.It is very useful when list view threshhold limit is reached. static voidContinue reading “Client Object Model Access Large Lists/Overcome ListView Threshold while accessing large list”